søndag den 25. maj 2008

Hvad skal læserne vide om vores blogs?

Jeg har arbejdet videre med blogkonceptet, som jeg omtalte i sidste post. Èn ting er de guidelines, vores bloggere skal køre efter (som jeg også regner med bliver gjort offentlig tilgængelige på websitet). Men hvad har bloggens eventuelle læsere egentlig brug for at vide for at kende præmisserne for COWIs blogs?

Jeg har skrevet et oplæg til en side, der forklarer læserne lidt om konceptet. Denne gang kraftigt inspireret af GCI Mannovs nyhedsrum og Patent og Varemærkestyrelsens blogs. Især er det vigtigt for os at gøre klart, at kritiske kommentarer ikke bliver slettet, da vi som stor virksomhed typisk kunne blive mistænkt for det.

Kommentarer er meget velkomne.

About COWI's blogs

COWI's weblogs are channels for our consultants to write about and discuss their areas of expertise. The idea behind the weblogs is to engage in conversations with our stakeholders and any one else interested in the areas we work with. We believe that these conversations can help all of us get smarter together.

We write about…
News, innovation and market trends within our professional fields, interesting projects in Denmark and internationally and much more. The consultants writing the blogs are encouraged to start or participate in debates on these subjects, offering their own professional opinions.

We don't write about…
Business secrets and any projects that our clients do not want us to discuss.

About comments
All our weblogs can be commented, and we warmly encourage our readers to do so. Ask us questions, tell us your thoughts on the things we work with. Please leave your name on your comment and note that your comment will be viewable to all readers of the weblog.

We reserve the right to delete comments that are judged to be

  • derogatory
  • slanderous
  • in other ways in conflict with the law
  • spam

Critical comments are not deleted unless they fall into one of the categories above.

What is a weblog?
A weblog is in a sense a journal on the Internet. Weblogs - or just blogs - are written by either a single person or a group of people. The newest posting is always displayed at the top. Most weblogs can be commented by readers. Typically, blogs offer many links to related blogposts and websites.

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